JDI Blog

The Importance of Removing CO Fumes from Your Shop

Written by Jason Hart - EuroVent Sales Manager | Aug 9, 2022 7:15:00 AM

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless and tasteless gas that is caused by the burning of gasoline and different types of fuels in general.  An improperly ventilated or enclosed space such as a service shop can allow carbon monoxide levels to accumulate to dangerous levels.

Dangers of Carbon Monoxide

If your service shop does not have proper ventilation of carbon monoxide such as a source capture fume removal system which captures the carbon monoxide at the tailpipe and removes it from the building via a series of hoses, ductwork and a properly sized ventilation fan, these fumes can reach dangerous levels. Shop employees exposed to these fumes can get elevated levels of carbon monoxide in their bloodstream which is known as carbon monoxide poisoning. Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning include headache, weakness, dizziness, nausea or vomiting, shortness of breath, confusion, blurred vision or loss of consciousness. In serious cases it can lead to brain damage or death.


Over the years OSHA has continued to strengthen and enforce rules regarding carbon monoxide fume removal from service shops. OSHA has a phone line that can be anonymously called by employees to report violations.  Violations may occur because of lack of a source capture system but also due to a source capture system that is not working properly.

Exhaust Extraction Systems

Source capture systems are engineered systems designed to work for each specific service shop.  EuroVent has a team of project managers and engineers to work with you to design a system that is custom for your facility.  Whether you are in need of a system for your new facility, remodel of a facility, an existing facility with no current system or have a system that is not functioning properly EuroVent will have the answers for you.

For information on EuroVent exhaust extraction systems and our free design services visit us at EuroVentExhaust.com or call us at 800-433-0708.